Archive for the ‘News’ Category

May Update

Shuko and Dokuro went and participated in a five day Dai-sesshin at Rinzai-ji Zen Center, the main temple of the Rinzai-ji organization located in Los Angeles. Joshu Roshi is holding another seven day Dai-sesshin there starting May 15.

Beginning May 1st we are asking participants of the Zen meetings to contribute a donation (suggested: $5). It will help us to cover advertising and operational costs as well as sharing the contributions with the CBA. There is an option for monthly membership in the Hôun-an Zen Circle, $30 for individuals, $50 for couples, students and seniors rate is $20. All donations to Hôun-an are fully tax deductible and a receipt is furnished upon request.

April Update

The first weekend Zazen-kai was offered April 1 – 3, with a full schedule from Friday evening through Sunday noon at the CBA. The schedule ended with the Hanamatsuri ceremony, celebrating Shakyamuni Buddha’s birthday. The weekend was held to honor Joshu Rôshi’s birthday and was a great success. A total of eleven Zen Students joined for a wonderful time.

On April 8 Kyozan Joshu Roshi completed his 98th year and stepped into walking the 99th. Roshi has been very energetic lately and the six Dai-sesshin he was scheduled to lead between January 1st and April 8th are a sign for his amazing devotion and energy. We wish Roshi health and well being.

March Update

On March 5th Peter Crawley and Wen Hao Tien got married in an interfaith ceremony at Swedenborg Chapel. Dokuro Osho participated in the service, offering a few words, plenty of rings on the chapel’s wonderful gong, blessings, and a chant of the Shigu Seigan Mon, the Four Great Vows. We all from the Dharma Cloud Hermitage wish Wen Hao and Peter all the best for their spiritual journey as a couple.

Feburary Update

Franco, Peter, and Dokuro participated in the Mt. Baldy Zen Center Dai-sesshin with Joshu Roshi, Shuko participated in the Rinzai-ji Dai-sesshin.

January Update

On January 30 we had six visitors from the University Lutheran Church. Three 6th grade students, their teachers, and the father of one of the girls came to participate and learn about the kind of practice we do. It was a nice experience to have visitors participate in our sitting. We shared tea, did some chanting and later went to the library for a question and answer session. Thank you for choosing us from all the Buddhist groups in the Boston area!

New Year

On December 31st we met at the Cambridge Buddhist Association to honor the tradition of New Year’s cleaning, a communal meal, and formal welcoming of the New Year.

3:00 – 5:30 p.m. New Year’s Cleaning
5:45 p.m. Semi-formal Vegetarian Dinner
7:30 – 9:00 p.m. Open Zendo
9:15 – 11:30 p.m. Zazen, Kinhin, Dharma Talk
11:30 – midnight Chanting
midnight Joya no Kane (108 bells) ????

Thank you all for coming: Jamie, Ginny, Franco, Denise, Ryan, Caryl, Jige (Anna).

On December 31, 2004 we met at the CBA to say farewell to the old year and welcome 2005. The formal schedule started at 3:00 p.m. with cleaning, followed by a semi-formal meal and open Zendo. The formal sitting began around 9:00 p.m. and lasted till 11:20 p.m.

Below you find thumbnail images that lead to the large version of the image. The size is noted below, so you can estimate the download time, however, the images are in web-friendly size.

In the kitchen Tea Room All Nine
Helping the Tenzo
In the Tea Room
Franco & Denise
All Nine with Shuko and Dokuro New Year 2004 Shuko and Dokuro

A Happy New Year to all.

Still Pond Zen Center

On September 28, 2002 Shuko and Dokuro went to Old Chatham in New York, where their late Dharma sister and friend Chiko Lynne Aston lead the Still Pond Zen Center. It was Chiko’s wish that Shuko and Dokuro perform a Jukai ceremony for the members of Still Pond if she was unable to do it herself. Sadly, Chiko passed away in the summer of 2002.

Below you find thumbnail images that lead to the large version of the image. The size is noted below, so you can estimate the download time, however, the images are in web-friendly size.

Butsu-dan Jikijitsu-seat All Nine
The Jikijitsu Seat
All Nine
All Nine with Shuko and Dokuro Jukai, September 28, 2002 Shuko and Dokuro
All Nine,
Shuko & Dokuro
Shuko & Dokuro
