Author Archive
November Update
The vice-abbess went to Bodhi Manda Zen Center to serve as Inji for Joshu Roshi. The Kessei at Bodhi Manda included two Dai-sesshin and also included a meeting of the Rinzai-ji Oshos. The abbot, Dokuro, travels once a month to the West Coast to participate in the Osho meetings in which Joshu Roshi addresses all Rinzai-ji Oshos.
September Update
Our enhanced schedule started just after Labor Day. We increased the formal practice to three meetings a week, please see our current schedule.
Dharma talks will be given on Sundays and during the week. In mid October we will also offer an introduction class that runs for four weeks.
August Update
On August 7 Cindy & Warrick took their marriage vows in a wedding ceremony at the CBA. Dokuro performed the service with the help of the vice-abbess Shuko. It was a very festive occasion attended by some twenty participants of all age groups. We wish the couple all the best in their marital life.
Plans for the Fall are forming and will be announced shortly on this site. Please check back, and, until then, enjoy the rest of the summer.
July Update
Our first year at the Cambridge Buddhist Association has ended. Without any advertising we gathered a core group which faithfully attends the formal sittings. A Zazen-kai weekend and a day sit were great successes with more than ten participants each. Some of our core members attended Dai-sesshin with Joshu Roshi in California.
For the coming year we are looking at offering sittings as before on Mondays and Sundays, but also adding an additional night on Wednesday. An introductory class for newcomers and people interested in meditation is planned and will be advertised during late summer.
Many thanks to the CBA for the use of the premises, all contributors, and friends. Please keep up the good work and we’ll have another great year to come.
June Update
Please join us for our one day retreat on Sunday, June 19, from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Cambridge Buddhist Association. Formal lunch will be served. This is another great opportunity to engage in more extended meditation practice.
May Update
Shuko and Dokuro went and participated in a five day Dai-sesshin at Rinzai-ji Zen Center, the main temple of the Rinzai-ji organization located in Los Angeles. Joshu Roshi is holding another seven day Dai-sesshin there starting May 15.
Beginning May 1st we are asking participants of the Zen meetings to contribute a donation (suggested: $5). It will help us to cover advertising and operational costs as well as sharing the contributions with the CBA. There is an option for monthly membership in the Hôun-an Zen Circle, $30 for individuals, $50 for couples, students and seniors rate is $20. All donations to Hôun-an are fully tax deductible and a receipt is furnished upon request.
April Update
The first weekend Zazen-kai was offered April 1 – 3, with a full schedule from Friday evening through Sunday noon at the CBA. The schedule ended with the Hanamatsuri ceremony, celebrating Shakyamuni Buddha’s birthday. The weekend was held to honor Joshu Rôshi’s birthday and was a great success. A total of eleven Zen Students joined for a wonderful time.
On April 8 Kyozan Joshu Roshi completed his 98th year and stepped into walking the 99th. Roshi has been very energetic lately and the six Dai-sesshin he was scheduled to lead between January 1st and April 8th are a sign for his amazing devotion and energy. We wish Roshi health and well being.
March Update
On March 5th Peter Crawley and Wen Hao Tien got married in an interfaith ceremony at Swedenborg Chapel. Dokuro Osho participated in the service, offering a few words, plenty of rings on the chapel’s wonderful gong, blessings, and a chant of the Shigu Seigan Mon, the Four Great Vows. We all from the Dharma Cloud Hermitage wish Wen Hao and Peter all the best for their spiritual journey as a couple.
Feburary Update
Franco, Peter, and Dokuro participated in the Mt. Baldy Zen Center Dai-sesshin with Joshu Roshi, Shuko participated in the Rinzai-ji Dai-sesshin.
January Update
On January 30 we had six visitors from the University Lutheran Church. Three 6th grade students, their teachers, and the father of one of the girls came to participate and learn about the kind of practice we do. It was a nice experience to have visitors participate in our sitting. We shared tea, did some chanting and later went to the library for a question and answer session. Thank you for choosing us from all the Buddhist groups in the Boston area!